Are you ready to swim in the sea of hydroponic gardening?

Whether you’re an expert gardener or a confused beginner, setting up your own hydroponic system can be a rewarding and creative activity for both environment and mental peace.

In this article, we’ll explore the basic components of hydroponics, providing you with essential insights about “what” of hydroponic system.

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Comprehensive Guide to Basic Components of Hydroponic System

Basic Components of Hydroponics

Basic Components of Hydroponics:

Growing Medium

Substances that provide physical support to plant roots, fostering nutrient absorption. Substances like Rockwool, Perlite, or Coconut Coir used to support plant roots in the absence of soil. They are the most useful component of hydroponic system as everything rely on them.

Aerators or Air Pumps

Essential for providing oxygen to plant roots in hydroponic systems.

Drip System

It is a method of delivering nutrient solutions directly to plant roots through a drip mechanism.

Macronutrients for Hydroponic system

  • Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium

Macronutrients are extremely vital for plant growth & development, included in hydroponic nutrient category.

Micronutrients for Hydroponic System:

  • Boron, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Sulfur, Zinc

Micronutrients are necessary for hydroponic plants’ health as included in hydroponic nutrient solutions.

  • Molybdenum

A micronutrient pretty important for nitrogen metabolism in plants.

  • Chlorine, Copper

Elements to be considered and treated in water sources for hydroponic systems.


A hydroponics’ component in that transports nutrient solutions from a reservoir to plant roots.


Natural or artificial light sources necessary for photosynthesis in hydroponic plants.

Deepwater Culture

A hydroponic system where plant roots are suspended in nutrient-rich water. It directly impacts the overall health of plants.

Ebb and Flow

A hydroponic system involving cyclic flooding and draining of the nutrient solution.

Nutrient Film Technique

Hydroponic system where a thin film of nutrient-rich water flows over plant roots.


Hydroponic system where plant roots are misted with a nutrient solution.

What Else Do You Need for Hydroponics’ Growing System?


Water is a cornerstone of hydroponics, but not all water is suitable. Tap water may contain chlorine and chloramine, harmful to beneficial bacteria in your nutrient reservoir. Considerations include:

  • Chlorination: Break down chlorine by leaving tap water in the sun for 24 hours.
  • Chloramination: Use a carbon filter, sterilants, or sodium thiosulfate to eliminate chloramine.
  • Water PPM: Maintain water within 200-300ppm; use a Bluelab PPM meter to measure.

Best water options for hydroponic farming:

  • Distilled
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Filtered water
  • Well water and rainwater (if treated)

Water Reservoir

Choose a reservoir based on size, lid, and color considerations:

  • Size: Select a size according to your crop’s needs.
  • Lid: Essential to prevent nutrient evaporation, algae growth, and foreign materials.
  • Color: Opt for black or opaque to inhibit algae growth.
  • Reservoir’s location: Place it close to a water source, away from direct sunlight to prevent temperature and pH fluctuations.


Provide adequate light for hydroponically grown crops:

  • Natural light: The sun is a cost-effective natural source, six hours of direct exposure per day is important and effective.
  • LED lights: Energy-efficient, durable, and suitable for indoor cultivation.
  • Fluorescent lights, Incandescent lights, and High-pressure sodium: Each has pros and cons, choose demanding component of hydroponic based on your plants’ need.

Tubes or PVC Pipe

Essential for systems like ebb and flow; fill and drain tubes facilitate water movement within the system.

What Do You Need for Hydroponics Planting?

Hydroponic Garden

When it comes to hydroponic planting, here are the essentials:

Net Pots and Substrate:

Common substrates include Rockwool, Perlite, Hydroton/LECA, Pumice, Gravel, and Coconut Coir. These materials help anchor the plants and provide a stable base & support for their growth.


Begin with quality seeds, planting them separately. Once germinated, you can transplant them into your hydroponic system. Consider using starter cubes or potting soil to initiate the growth process before introducing them to the larger system.

Nutrients or Fertilizers:

Make sure your hydroponic plants receive the necessary nutrients for robust growth. Hydroponic plants require both macronutrients and micronutrients. Provide them with a well-balanced mix of fertilizers to support their development in the absence of soil.

What are the Types of Hydroponic Fertilizers?

Below mentioned are the two types of hydroponic fertilizers.

  • Liquid Fertilizer
  • Dry Fertilizer

Liquid Fertilizer – They come in liquid form and are easy to use. You measure the recommended amount, as indicated on the label, and mix it with water before adding it to your hydroponic system. While convenient, they can be more expensive due to their weight and shipping costs.

Dry Fertilizer – They are typically less expensive than liquid option. They may come as a multi-part mix, requiring you to combine different bags on-site. This type of fertilizer can be more cost-effective and easier to store, as the components are less likely to separate.

TIP: It’s recommended to choose a hydroponic fertilizer according to your specific crop’s needs for effective and efficient results.

How to Make a Nutrient Solution for Hydroponics?

For nutrient solution of hydroponic system, you need water, light, and fertilizer as the basics. Don’t forget hydroponic components like a water basin, temperature control, and specific hydroponic equipment to check the plant’s progress. Include grow trays, tables, and a sustained growing medium for a successful hydroponic setup. Consider below mentioned points for better results.

  • Buy Epsom salts and a micronutrient mix/water-soluble fertilizer.
  • Must check instructions before mixing.
  • Add the right amount of fertilizer and Epsom salts to water.
  • Always remember every solution has its own guide and instructions, complete your homework accordingly.

What Do You Need for Hydroponics Maintenance?

  • Temperature Control

Maintain an ideal atmosphere temperature (70°F) and check the water basin’s temperature (65°F to 80°F).

  • Air Stone and Pump

Provide oxygen to plant roots using an aeration system with an air stone and pump.

  • Water Pump and Water Pump Timer

Ensure water and nutrient movement with a submersible or inline water pump. Use a timer for controlled watering.

  • pH Meter

Regularly check and adjust water pH using pen testers, handheld meters, or benchtop pH meters.

Adjusting pH in Easy Steps

High pH:

If your water’s pH is too high, add alkaline baking powder to bring it down.

Low pH:

If the pH is too low, use acidic substances like citruses, white vinegar, or lemon juice to raise the level.


Hydroponics components provide a unique and easy way to grow plants. Whether you choose to build your own system or purchase a ready-made one, consider your plant selection, budget, space, and time commitment.

Happy Hydroponic Gardening!

Explore the world of hydroponics with our comprehensive guide on the essential components you need for successful gardening. Find best hydroponic essentials on our website and opt efficient ways. From water quality and reservoir selection to lighting options and nutrient solutions, learn the ABC of hydroponics to set up and maintain your hydroponic system. Both searching for hydroponics Perth or hydroponic store near me, do give a thorough look for what suits you and we are more than welcome to assist you with our free consultancy.


What are the requirements for a hydroponic system?

Essential elements include water, light, and fertilizer. Additionally, take into account a water basin, temperature control, grow trays and tables, growing medium, and specialized hydroponic system equipment.

Is hydroponics good for beginners?

Yes, hydroponics is beginner-friendly, offering a soil-free and controlled environment for plant growth.

How often do I add nutrients to my hydroponics?

Nutrient strength lasts 7 to 10 days; feed your crops once a week for optimum health.

What are 5 disadvantages of hydroponics?

Disadvantages of Hydroponics:

  • Need for constant monitoring.
  • Initial setup cost.
  • Electricity usage.
  • Technical knowledge required.
  • Susceptibility to power outages.

What is the easiest hydroponic system for beginners?

The Aero Garden Harvest is great for beginners. It’s simple, requires minimal setup, and has an easy-to-use design.

What is a hydroponic system?

A method of growing plants without soil, using nutrient-rich water solutions to deliver essential minerals directly to plant roots.

What are the 3 types of hydroponic systems?

  • Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)
  • Deep Water Culture (DWC)
  • Ebb and Flow (or Flood and Drain)

Are special seeds needed for hydroponics?

In hydroponic farming, you don’t need special seeds. Any source that can grow roots works, but avoid seeds that typically grow in soil, like crawling vines, corn, melons, and tubers.

Does hydroponics need sunlight?

Plants need light for photosynthesis, but it doesn’t have to be sunlight. Hydroponics works indoors or outdoors with artificial light, providing the necessary heat for plant growth.

How often should hydroponic water be changed?

Hydroponic plants need regular water changes, but doing it too often can shock and harm them. Some growers change the water after topping it off sufficiently, while others do it every two to three times when nutrient enrichment is complete.

Does hydroponics use a lot of electricity?

Hydroponic farming machines like pumps use electricity, but it’s less than what lights consume. Consumption depends on your farm’s size and the number of machines and lights used.

What lights are best for hydroponics?

For new hydroponic growers, it’s best to use cool white or full-spectrum fluorescent lights. These are ideal for large plants and extensive plantations, while higher-powered metal halide bulbs can further enhance plant growth.

Can I use tap water for hydroponics?

Yes, tap water can be used if it’s clean and treated beforehand. Chlorinate it with a filter or Campden tablets and leave it in the sun for 24 hours to make it suitable for hydroponics.